★お問い合わせ: 070-5072-4862 info@eurokn.com
◇今月のテーマ:「Your favorite Sports or Arts?(あなたの好きなスポーツorアートは?」
Maria Alfagemeさんのプロフィール:
(原文の全文はこちらに載せる予定です http://kneu.seesaa.net/ )
Born in Spain. Lived many years in Mexico: researching in a Third
World Development Center; later, working for publishing houses and
universities -editor and translator; mostly, free-lance. I lived
some periods in Italy, England, Brazil. I have travelled in many
countries of Europe, America, Asia.
I love literature, to read about many different topics: history,
psychology, essays, novels, traveller books… I have written a few
things also. I like cinema (good, independent… not the basic
entertainment industry product), theatre, music (classic, jazz); arts,
in general (painting, sculpture); psychology, yoga; nature and
animals; walking -in the cities, but even more in the countryside.
I enjoy a long conversation/chat, even better with good food and wine.
I am curious about almost everything, always interested in learning,
knowing more. Travelling is the biggest, richest experience
in my life -I have made excellent friends in this way. Travelling is
the fastest and most effective way to learn, know people; and destroy
prejudices, false assumptions.
★お問い合わせ: 070-5072-4862 info@eurokn.com
◇今月のテーマ:「Your favorite Sports or Arts?(あなたの好きなスポーツorアートは?」
Maria Alfagemeさんのプロフィール:
(原文の全文はこちらに載せる予定です http://kneu.seesaa.net/ )
Born in Spain. Lived many years in Mexico: researching in a Third
World Development Center; later, working for publishing houses and
universities -editor and translator; mostly, free-lance. I lived
some periods in Italy, England, Brazil. I have travelled in many
countries of Europe, America, Asia.
I love literature, to read about many different topics: history,
psychology, essays, novels, traveller books… I have written a few
things also. I like cinema (good, independent… not the basic
entertainment industry product), theatre, music (classic, jazz); arts,
in general (painting, sculpture); psychology, yoga; nature and
animals; walking -in the cities, but even more in the countryside.
I enjoy a long conversation/chat, even better with good food and wine.
I am curious about almost everything, always interested in learning,
knowing more. Travelling is the biggest, richest experience
in my life -I have made excellent friends in this way. Travelling is
the fastest and most effective way to learn, know people; and destroy
prejudices, false assumptions.